Maybe a silly question but ...  Is there definitely a value in

Rob Martin
Software Engineer

phone 03 377 0495
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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Eric Tishler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "NZ Borland Developers Group - Delphi List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 02, 2004 10:19 AM
Subject: [DUG] Problem with table update using IBO

> I have some information I want to allow a user to update in a table.
> First I read the data from the table and populate a dialog with the fields
I want to allow as editable.
> When the user clicks the Save button I have an update query that gathers
data from the fields and performs an update in the table. This modified data
is used as parameters in the SQL statement.
> The problem is that all the fields but one seem to update just fine. The
one field gets the updated information from the dialog, but for some reason
that particular field is not updated in the database table.
> The code goes something like this ...
> DaDataMod.qryUpdateUserInfo.ParamByName('UserID').asInteger :=
UserInfo.UserID; // This is just a data type with current user info
> DaDataMod.qryUpdateUserInfo.ParamByName('FirstName').asString :=
> DaDataMod.qryUpdateUserInfo.ParamByName('LastName').asString :=
> DaDataMod.qryUpdateUserInfo.ParamByName('EmailAddress').asString :=
> DaDataMod.qryUpdateUserInfo.ExecSQL;
> DaDataMod.qryUpdateUserInfo.IB_Transaction.CommitRetaining;
> The qryUpdateUserInfo Query looks like this:
> UPDATE "UserInfo" SET
> "FirstName" = :FirstName,
> "LastName" = :LastName,
> "EmailAddress" = :EmailAddress
> "UserID" = :UserID
> I have debugged this and can clearly see that ALL the fields have the new
data, but the Email field stubbornly refuses to take on a new value. I have
checked and in the database, the Email field is just a VARCHAR(50).
> I have tried to look at the SQL statement submitted (using:
DaDataMod.qryUpdateUserInfo.ServerSQL), but this is what I see in my log
> 4:56:12 PM 4/1/2004 SaveAccountInfo: SQL=
> UPDATE "UserInfo" SET
> "FirstName" = ? /* FirstName */ ,
> "LastName" = ? /* LastName */ ,
> "EmailAddress" = ? /* EmailAddress */
> "UserID" = ? /* userid */
> I have two questions:
> 1) Is there something better than ServerSQL to use to see that actual SQL
string submitted? I have tried SQL.Text, but that only show the parameters
before the substitution
> 2) Why would all the fields be updated except the EmailAdress field?
> I have been 'noodling' with this for the past 2 hours. Help!
> Thanks,
> Eric
> Eric Tishler
> Software Architect
> Resolute Partners, LLC
> Phone: 203.271.1122
> Fax: 203.271.1460
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