Perhaps it is a bug - it could occur if the message handler for the control was not setting the result of the message to 1. Then again, that might be a feature!

To fix it, you could use a flag that was set when the OnKeyDown event fired, and reset it when the OnKeyUp event fired. Otherwise you may have to trap the message on the popup form and swallow it by setting it's result.


Robert martin wrote:
Hi Phil

You are right ! We do use the OnKeyUp event. I have just built a test app with our component and a plain TEdit control and both components get the Enter in their OnKeyUp event if they were the active component before the other screen was opened !!!

We are using D6 could this be a bug?

More importantly, assuming we need to use the KeyUp event, does anyone have any ideas how to get around it?
Rob Martin
Software Engineer

phone +64 03 377 0495
fax   +64 03 377 0496

Wild Software Ltd

Phil Middlemiss wrote:
Is your customised component responding to the OnKeyUp to check for the Enter key? If this is the case then perhaps the key-up message is being transmitted to your component since the other screen is now closed - although I would have thought that could only happen if the other window was responding immediately to an OnKeyDown as opposed to a KeyPress event. Could be worth checking.


Robert martin wrote:
Hi All

We have a customised component that pops open when the enter key is pressed. However sometimes when an Enter key is pressed in another screen (open over the screen with our component) and the Enter key is pressed on a close button, the Enter key seems to travel into our component (which has focus after the other screen is closed) and pop it open. This is undesirable :)

Any suggestions?

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