
François Joulaud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> This was perhaps more a personal need, I just would to print some of
> the documentation and cannot generate it because I did not have all
> necesary dependencies (I *did* have OCaml but not gz library)  to
> build the server (and no Internet access).

Ok, with at least an Internet access you can ask me to provide the
latest PDF to you. ;-)

> Moreover I think that limitating the dependencies to the minimum is
> generally a good idea but I agree that my idea was a bit drastical.

I agree with the general principle, but in practice it is harder to draw
the line. I do not claim that my choices are the right ones. ;-)

> I hope I should produce more usefull patchs later if I can finally
> install all the dependencies.

Do not hesitate to ask for help on this list.

If you are in need of work, ;-) one nice task would be to make an HTML
output of the demexp book (using any widely available Latex->HTML
converter). It would help us be indexed by Google and might be of some
help to navigate into the code. :-)

Best wishes,
pub  1024D/A3AD7A2A 2004-10-03 David MENTRE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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