Hello Diogene,

Diogene Laerce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> So anyway, I still miss those files :
> // DOSSIER rpc
> rpc.pyc base.pyc  sec_auth_gss.pyc  sec_auth_none.pyc  sec_auth_sys.pyc
> after 3 times reinstalled all pydemexp, ply and pyrpc (according to the
> README file).

I don't understand why those files are missing on your computer. I've
just done a basic installation of those packages, following their

>> However, I don't thing this is the root of your /current/ issue. If the
>> RPC files where missing, you would get an error message, not a dump of
>> the python script source code.
> Well this sounds wise and logical to me.. 
> The scripting test Ive done, Ive done it with a "hello world" python
> file, do you think that can change from a real script or not ? I dont
> think so but I may miss some point.

A "hello world" python script would work as long as it behaves like a
CGI script.

But why not use directly the xmlrpc script? Or I might have missed

> If I cant make it work on my computer, is it possible to ask for an
> exemption for the demexp account ? I already ask for one normal account
> but Frederic Lebohey answered me about your rules for anonymous, that I
> understand for sure. 

We can't accept anonymous account on the official server. But there is a
work-around: I have restarted the demo server. You can access it at
machine demo.demexp.org, port 50000 (for the demexp client).

The XML-RPC proxy for this server is here:

The root account of this server is:
 login: root
 password: demexp

By login as root, you can create your own account.

Let me know if you have issues.

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