Adam R. B. Jack wrote:

I am goign to be making a concerted effort to get Gump and Depot playing nicely. They are wired together, just needing a little bit more, and a lot of exercise. Can somebody look at a 'distribution' (not a release, jsut something we can package) that I can work from? I don't think we are ready for any sort of release (far from it) but we need to start being like users, and using this stuff.

BTW: I've hacked up a bin/ (that Gump/user could call) that attempts to form a CLASSPATH from the jars in a $DEPOT_HOME/jars directory, or something. I need a distro to exercise this against.

the dist is easy,  just do a "ant dist"
hmm not sure it get dependent jars.  I will check this weekend.
But you want a install to "DEPOT_HOME"
I will also do that this weekend.


Have you Gump'ed your code today?

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