Vishwani Sodhi wrote:

> Hi,
> My name is Vishwani Sodhi,  I work for Software Development/Tools
> Department in Lenovo.
> I have the following request for a feature to be added in Cloudscape:
>     * I would like to be able to specify an alternate default port
>       number for the client driver to use in establishing connections.

Does the javax.sql.DataSource api help out here, use DataSources to get
connections anc configure the DataSource
(org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDataSource), set its portNumber property,
with the correct port number?

> Please let me know if this is something that can be done and a time
> frame of when it can be fulfilled.

Just a reminder, Derby is a community open source project, people work
on what 'scratches their itch'. There is not a "Derby team" responsible
for adding features or fixing bugs entered by users. People in the
community, and that means anyone, address issues either out of their own
needs, or because they want to help the community as a whole.

As Satheesh said, the only real way to guarantee a feature is added is
to add it yourself. Folks on the derby-dev list will help out with
implementation details and if the feature is appropriate for Derby.


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