Dalibor Topic suggested that I pose this question to the jigsaw-dev list:

Starting (at least) with build 148, resource location has changed in a way which is not backward compatible with JDK 8. The following experiment shows the behavior change:

1) Compile the following class using JDK 8 and put it in a jar file called z.jar:

public class public class ResourceLocationProblem
  public static void main(String... args) throws Exception
    String resourceName = "/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF";
    Class dummyClass = (new Object()).getClass();
    Object is = dummyClass.getResourceAsStream(resourceName);

    if (is != null) { System.out.println("Resource found."); }
    else { System.out.println("Resource NOT found!"); }

2) Then run the program thusly:

  java -cp z.jar ResourceLocationProblem

On JDK 8, the program produces this output...

Resource found.

...while on JDK 9 build 151 the program produces this output...

Resource NOT found!

Dalibor pointed me to the following proposal, which indicates that some significant changes have been made to resource location: http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jpms-spec-experts/2016-September/000392.html However, I am not trying to use any jigsaw features. This test program suggests that JDK 9 will break many legacy applications.

1) Is the observed behavior change a bug?

2) What is the recommended workaround?


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