I am trying to set up a new Jenkins task which will run the JUnit All suite with a module path when a checkin is submitted. This is my first attempt to create a Jenkins task from scratch (I used the Derby-trunk-suites.All task as a template). Please pardon the noise while I figure this out.

I think I have figured out how to make Jenkins run the correct ant target. But I'm unclear on whether I have correctly configured the post-build action so that it will generate email when the target fails. I would appreciate advice from any Jenkins experts who have time to eyeball the new task: https://builds.apache.org/job/Derby-trunk-test-junit-all-with-modulepath/

Unfortunately, I only have the console log to use as evidence of failures. The fancy JUnit xml-style reports are not available. That is because the <junit> ant task is not module-aware. That, in turn, is because our JUnit version is not module-aware. Therefore the test-junit-all-with-modulepath target has to run JUnit by hand via a <java> task.



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