Rick Hillegas wrote:

> Hi Kathey,
> I don't want to pull on a big ball of yarn, either. Do you think the
> following changes will be adequate?
> 1) Remove the hard-coded release-specific variables from the metadata
> test.
> 2) Go back to printing release variables in the canons.
> 3) Update the bumplastdigit target to include the new canons.
That still creates lots of scenarios where people are not updating the
version but  do want to update the master for this test.  In those cases
they would have to update jdk131 masters as well.

I had thought ideally the solution would be something like the test
using getBoolean to access boolean values and printing an assertion if
they are not the value expected instead of printing the output of
getString.   I think we would tell a user using getString on the boolean
columns in jdk 1.3.1 to use getBoolean, so it would be  good if our test
used the same practice..

For syscat,  multiple masters might be ok as it is not affected by the
version.  An alternative might be to use a case statement in the queries
to normalize the output.


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