Hi Kristian,

Some responses follow. Cheers-Rick

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ||Copyright Notice||Every java file in your patch must start with the Apache [http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html#apply copyright notice]. See the existing Derby Java files for examples. ||
  ||Tests||Don't forget to include regression tests with your patch.||
||Coding Standards||The Derby community has not approved a common body of coding standards. Individual contributors have found the following standards useful: [http://java.sun.com/docs/codeconv/html/CodeConvTOC.doc.html Java Coding Standards] and [http://wiki.apache.org/geronimo/CodingStandards Geronimo Coding Standards].||
+ ||Comments||Make sure you comment your code.||
+ ||Tabs||Set your tabs at 4 spaces. This was the original Cloudscape convention. With this setting your code should look readable.||


I know the issue has been discussed before, but is it deliberate that the checklist does not specify whether it is preferred to use tabs or spaces for indentation?

The checklist is trying to stay neutral and not recommend policies which the community hasn't agreed yet.

While I'm at it, if we say spaces are preferred over tabs, is it okay to contribute patches that (only) fix indentation for individual files? The primary reason for doing this (for me) is that files that mix space and tab indentation can result in very ugly diffs.

As mentioned earlier, most editors/IDEs are able to cope with this issue, so it's no problem when working with the code in these tools.

I seem to recall from the last discussion of this issue: There was some concern that large-scale cosmetic changes would complicate the porting of bug fixes from unscrubbed branches and from other in-flight subversion clients. Maybe we could address this problem by homogenizing the mainline just before we cut the next branch. We might have enough time to agree on a policy by then.

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