This is good news. I think we're ready now to wire the jdbc40 suite into derbyall (it should only run on jdk16).

BTW, my last derbyall on jdk14 reported that it ran 645 tests.


Andrew McIntyre wrote:

*Derby* 393268/2006-04-11 19:45:56 CEST

Failed  Tests    OK  Skip  Duration       Platform
*Jvm: 1.6*
   0    647    647     0   100.00%     SunOS-5.10_i86pc-i386

Hey - zero failures on jdk 1.6! Yay!

One thing though - the number of tests run is incorrect. If you tally
up the total tests run from the individual suites, you get 776, not
647. I guess the harness has forgotten how to count? ;-)

Actually, I think its not counting the number of tests in the nist
suite or something - the difference (129) is suspiciously close to the
number of tests in the nist suite, and the nist suite is the only one
that runs with useprocess=false...


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