
As part of my Google SOC project, I've uploaded the JMX code for review in Jira.
Please note the following:

The patch addresses the following:

1) Start derby with monitoring extensions enabled. To start derby with
monitoring extensions, you need to set derby.jmx environment variable
while starting the JVM

2) Derby can be monitored locally or remotely. Password authentication
and SSL support is provided via SUN's RMI connector implementations.
See the following URL for details

3) The MBeans can be viewed in JConsole.

4) This implementation supports three different MBeans:

->SystemMBean for viewing and changing system properties. Please note
that as of now changes are not persisted to derby.properties file
->DatabaseMBean, one per database. Any changes to database properties
are persisted.
->VersionMBean for viewing DerbyVersion Information.

The code was built using JDK1.6 and uses Sun's PlatformMBean server
for exposing system health and Derby's MBeans.

The code is up for review and contains the following files:

iapi/services/mbeans/ManagementService.java Interface declaration for
management service
/iapi/services/mbeans/MBeanFactory Factory interface for creating MBeans

/impl/services/mbeans/BasicManagementService Management service that
starts up MBeanServer and Registry
/impl/services/mbeans/BasicMBeanFactory Implementation of MBeanFactory
/impl/services/mbeans/DerbySystemMBean For exposing derby system properties
/impl/services/mbeans/DatabaseMBean For exposing a database's
properties and operation for Stopping a database
/impl/services/mbeans/mbeans-descriptors.xml MBean descriptor used by
Apache Commons modeler framework.

tools/jars/mbeansDBMSclass.properties lists the classes, so that they
may be included in the derby jar.

Minor changes to build files and properties files have also been made
to compile the code.

5) The JMX functionality was built using the Apache modeler commons
framework available at http://commons.apache.org

6) This patch DOES NOT include any test cases. I will be posting them
in a seperate patch, as the test cases themselves will amount to
substantial code.

7)API docs are provided with the files.

I will *really* appreciate if someone can help me with identifying
which properties are System properties, which are database properties
and which can be modified at runtime. I referred to
iapi.reference.Property.java. However, I felt descriptions for some
properties were ambiguous. The next iteration will probably be a fix
for such properties.

I welcome any comments.

Best Regards,
Sanket Sharma

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