
I checked with prc at apache org. They say they dont have any issues
if the Derby PRC has no issues.
Do we have a Derby PRC as well?

Best Regards,
Sanket Sharma

On 9/4/06, Jean T. Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Sanket Sharma wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering if it is "okay" to use Derby and ASF logo on my
> personal web/blog, t-shirts, caps etc?
> I'm a Google summer of code participant and worked on adding JMX to
> derby as part of my project.

Hi, Sanket,

First ask for permission from the Apache Public Relations Committee (prc
<at> apache.org). http://db.apache.org/derby/logo.html has this wording:

   If you would like to use the Derby logo outside Apache -- for
example, for a t-shirt, poster, flier, or whatever -- first obtain
permission from the ASF Public Relations Committee by emailing your
request to prc <AT> apache.org.

I receive frequent questions about this. Software under the Apache
License is freely reusable and redistributable, but the Apache License
does not grant permission to reuse trademarks -- see section 6 of [1].
There was a recent discussion on legal-discuss about using subproject
logos [2].



[1] http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

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