
> As far as I remember from my high-school German, is that even if all "ß" may 
> be
> converted to uppercase "SS", not all "SS" in uppercase may be converted to the
> lowercase "ß". If the "SS" appears in a combined word (in German, words are
> combined by concatenating them, as in Norwegian) where one word ends with "S"
> and the second word starts with "S", the result when converted to lowercase
> should be "ss" (I am trying to construct an example, but my German is very, 
> very
> rusty....... ;-)

There is of course no logic in String.toLowerCase() to make "SS" be
converted to "ß" based on German grammar rules, since it does a
character by character conversion.

So "ICH HEISSE BERNT".toLowerCase() will be "ich heisse bernt", and not
"ich heiße bernt" ;-)


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