If I run ij with the latest trunk and try to use the "describe" command on a database that was created in the 10.3 trunk prior to svn #496645, I get an error (NoSuchMethodError). Revision 496645 was part of DERBY-2226.

My questions are:

 1) Does anyone else see this peculiar behavior?
2) Does this matter? If I create the database with 10.2 and then connect from the latest 10.3 the describe command works as expected. So maybe this is just a side-effect from working on the development branch and there's nothing more to worry about...?

Just curious,


Steps to reproduce:

> svn update -r 496644
> ant all
> java -Dij.protocol=jdbc:derby: org.apache.derby.tools.ij
ij version 10.3
ij> connect 'hmm;create=true';
ij> create table tc (c char);
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> describe tc;
C                   |CHAR     |NULL|NULL|1     |NULL      |2         |YES

1 row selected
ij> exit;
> svn update -r 496645
> ant clobber
> ant all
> java -Dij.protocol=jdbc:derby: org.apache.derby.tools.ij
ij> connect 'hmm';
ij> describe tc;
ERROR XJ001: Java exception: 'org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.execute.ResultSetFactory: method getIndexRowToBaseRowResultSet(JILorg/apache/derby/iapi/sql/execute/NoPutResultSet;Lorg/apache/derby/iapi/services/loader/GeneratedMethod;ILjava/lang/String;IIILorg/apache/derby/iapi/services/loade: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError'.

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