Andrew McIntyre wrote:
On 3/1/07, Rick Hillegas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This thread has generated a lot of thought-provoking discussion.
However, it has not discovered a solution that works for everyone. My
instincts then are to leave the code alone:

o The user guides will have to explain how to customize these templates.

I really do believe this is the wrong language here. Please explain
how providing an argument to a script or altering an environment
variable is 'customizing a template'. To me, that implies that the
user needs to edit the script and make modifications in order for it
to work. That is not the case. If they want authentication and the
security manager, they can put the necessary properties in the
DERBY_OPTS environment variable and execute the script with no
arguments. If they don't want the security manager, they can call the
script with the -noSecurityManager flag as an argument. In either
case, the script can start the network server with no modifications.

Thanks, Andrew. Hopefully you will be able to review my Release Note and and my changes to the user guides. That way you can verify whether I am tracking your concern.


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