Daniel John Debrunner wrote:
Rick Hillegas wrote:
Daniel John Debrunner wrote:
Rick Hillegas wrote:
Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

- The collation type (the integer) is written into the meta-data for an index just as ascending/descending is today (including the btree control row, thus making the information available for recovery). Collation type applies to all character columns in the index.

This suggests that all of the columns in the index must have the same collation? I don't think that is powerful enough to support the full-blown SQL collation language, which allows you to mix differently collated columns in an ORDER BY clause. Why can't the collation type be an array of ints just as the sort direction is an array of booleans in IndexDescriptor?

That would be more flexible, but is it required?
I believe so. I don't see any rule which requires one collation for all of the character expressions in an ORDER BY clause. There does seem to be a rule requiring one collation for both sides of a comparison, e.g., for both sides of a < operator.

I understand ORDER BY with different collations is required, but I meant are multiple collations required in a single BTREE index, which is where this meta data would be stored. With the plans for DERBY-1478 it isn't, with new collations it isn't, with collation per-schema it isn't, so I was wondering what would trigger it? If it's not in the foreseeable future or an option through SQL then I would say a simple single collation will work. Future expansion could change it to be per-column when required.


I guess I'm not understanding why we wouldn't design this generality into the on-disk representation from the start. What is the danger/cost/problem we're trying to avoid? Designing for the general case will save us an upgrade issue later on.


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