Hi Myrna,

I've been running the junit tests with extra memory for a while now. This is the command line I use:

java -Xmx512m junit.textui.TestRunner 

Hope this helps,

Myrna van Lunteren wrote:

I'm having the most amazingly hard time running suites.All.
I've gone to a clean(no modifications by me) trunk, updated to
revision 520050, with sane jars, on the fastest machine available to
me at this time, and I still see errors.

I can vary the point of the OutOfMemory error by using a different
test runner - for instance, junit.textui.TestRunner vs.
junit.swingui.TestRunner, or using the ant junit-all target (that on
my slower machine), but I don't think any of it is good.

I seem to consistently see an OOM in the test jdbcapi/LobLengthTest.
I found some old references to this, dating from August, but I don't
see a solution.

Is anyone else seeing trouble?


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