Mike Matrigali wrote:

If there are no query plans printed then maybe the right thing to do
is to consider running the test multiple times, with different properties set.


maybe we could configure all the non-queryplan printing tests into
a suite and then enable or disable the interesting optimizer defaults.

I agree that these are good ideas in terms of testing thoroughness. My knee-jerk reaction, though, is that we could end up running a lot of tests many times in order to get all of the "interesting" cases. My guess is that such an approach would significantly increase the running time of suites.All, which is something I think we'd rather avoid (another reason we're switching to JUnit is the hope that the suite will run more quickly, I believe?).

Maybe an alternate approach is to make sure that any tests which set optimizer-specific properties run (and pass) with the "default" optimizer configuration, as well, where "default" means no optimizer properties are set. The exception here would of course be tests that print query plans, in which case we'd either 1) exempt them from the "default" run, or 2) do the "default" run but skip query plan validation in that case, thereby just verifying that the queries complete without error and return the correct results.

There are two advantages to this approach. First, the number of tests which explicitly set "derby.optimizer.*" properties is, I think, relatively small compared to the total number of tests. And if you ignore the "noTimeout" property it's even smaller. So the number of tests that see repeat runs would be pretty minimal. Second, my guess is that most users of Derby do _not_ set any optimizer-specific properties when they run their apps, in which case the "default" test case (setting no optimizer properties) would be a (more) typical user environment, which I think is good. Of course I could be wrong about what typical users do here...?

Also note that such an approach would have correctly found DERBY-2500.

By converting this to JUNIT it should be much easier to deal with results that are not guaranteed to be a specific order by having a single shared routine that checks for ordered, unordered, and maybe also unordered with possible inconsistent number of duplicates. This is something that was cludged in current .sql tests but can be done right
in junit tests.

I think Knut Anders just checked in an "assertUnorderedResultSet()" method this morning for exactly that reason. So we're moving in the right direction...


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