On 10/11/07, Bernt M. Johnsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm working on http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DERBY-1387 and
> would be delighted to have an dialogue with someone working on an GUI
> for Derby. Presently, I'm using a generic JMX tool, JConsole, for
> testing purposes, but input from someone working with a specific Derby
> GUI would be extremely valuable.
> --
> Bernt Marius Johnsen, Database Technology Group,
> Staff Engineer, Derby/Java DB
> Sun Microsystems, Trondheim, Norway

Hi Siamak -

A GUI for Derby is an important feature. As someone working on the
Derby documentation I am very interested in a GUI implementation.
Please post your architectural ideas on derby-dev so that all can
review and comment.

Laura Stewart

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