Hi Ramin,

The problem may be that your test is not reading derby.system.home from inside a privileged block. If your test extends BaseTestCase, then you can call getSystemProperty() to read derby.system.home and that method will set up the privileged block needed to read the property.

Hope this helps,

Ramin Moazeni wrote:

In writing test for DERBY-1272, I receive the following exception
access denied (java.util.PropertyPermission derby.system.home read)

and the reason is because I am trying to get the derby.system.home property:
 String derbyHome = System.getProperty("derby.system.home");

The only way I was able to get around this was to disable the security manager
as follows:
java -Djava.security.policy="<NONE>" junit.textui.TestRunner

Is is this the right approach? Is this documented anywhere or is this a bug?


PS. I tried adding
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "derby.system.home", "read";
util/derby_tests.policy whcih didn't resolve my problem.

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