Kathey Marsden wrote:
The test SecurityPolicyReloadingTest loads its own initial policy file so does not need to install the default test policy file. The test currently loads the default test policy file and then installs its own policy file using SecurityManagerSetup. I would like to change the test to eliminate the first step of installing the default test policy, which currently is not relevant to the test.

Why change it?
I am testing a pre-release jdk and installing the default test policy file with the sqlAuthorizationDecorator causes problems where we lose all permissions and all subsequent tests to fail. I would like to get the tests running and create a new test SQLAuthTest to debug this problem without affecting the other tests. Please let me know if you have any concerns.

Hi Kathey,

The SecurityPolicyReloadingTest is supposed to test the correct operation of 3 policy files: initial.policy, modified.policy, and unreloadable.policy. There should be no need to use the default policy file used by the other tests.


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