I have checked in this change: subversion revision 605224. Now by default, the Derby build will try to figure out how to set its compiler variables, based on your platform and vm. You can override these defaults by hardcoding your own values for java14compile.classpath and java15compile.classpath in your ant.properties. If you experience build problems after syncing to this revision, you can revert to the old behavior by adding the following line to your ant.properties:


If you do experience problems, however, I'd like to hear about them so that we can make the build smart enough to handle your environment.


Rick Hillegas wrote:
Unless someone objects, tomorrow I would like to change the Derby build so that, by default, the build will try to automatically set the compiler properties if they are not already set in ant.properties. I checked in this behavior a month ago, but right now you have to opt into this behavior by setting the autosetProps flag. Tomorrow I would like to change the build so that instead of opting into this behavior, you will get it by default--of course, you will be able to opt out if necessary.

After making this change, the Derby build will behave this way:

1) If ant.properties is empty, then the build will try to set the compiler properties based on your platform and vm vendor.

2) If this breaks the build for you, then you can get the old behavior by setting a new flag in your ant.properties: dontAutosetProps.


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