Vemund Ostgaard wrote:
I'm trying to get all the tests in suites.All to run successfully with the phoneME advanced platform.

A problem I have discovered is that when JUnit creates a suite of tests from the test* methods in a class, I get them executed in a different order on this platform (seems to be the exact opposite order). I guess reflection behaves a little different, I don't think it's a bug. This causes some tests to fail because they are not really independent of the order that the test* methods in the class get executed, but the methods happen to be executed in an order that works when running on other JVMs.

I don't think it's a huge issue, I don't know yet how many tests are failing because of this as there is still too much noise in my testresults, but I've discovered a few so far. I just wanted to mention it so that people are aware that the order the methods get executed in may be different in other environments, even though they normally get executed in the order they have in the file, so all the test* methods do have to work independent of the order.

Thanks for bringing this up, Vemund. I think that the JUnit documentation states that the order in which test* tests run is not guaranteed to be same across platforms--unless you hardcode the order you want by explicitly adding each test* test to your suite.


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