On 3/29/11 5:02 AM, Bergquist, Brett wrote:

I have to do a poor man’s partitioning because I have a table where records are constantly being added (right now about 1.7 million per day) and I need to purge older records out. My plan is to partition incoming records into separate tables for a week and then to drop a week’s worth of data by dropping and recreating a table. I also have a view that consolidates the data across the various weeks back into a single view.

I see the TRUNCATE TABLE command available in Derby 10.7 and was wondering if it has the same ability to free disk space as dropping and recreating a table or if it will still suffer the problem where the disk space is still allocated until a compact is run? It would be nice to use the TRUNCATE TABLE because I would not have to destroy and re-create my view but if it does not have the same benefits, I will go with the dropping and recreating the table and view.

Hi Brett,

I ran the following experiments.

o I created an empty database. This left me with 71 files in seg0.

o I created two tables and put a row in each one. This bumped the number of seg0 files up to 73.

o I truncated the first table. This bumped the number of seg0 files up to 74.

o I dropped the second table. This did not alter the number of seg0 files: the count remained 74.

o I recreated the second table. This bumped the file count to 75.

o I compressed the first table. This bumped the file count to 76.

o I compressed the second table. This bumped the file count to 77.

o I checkpointed the database. This dropped the file count down to 73.

I believe the following is true:

1) When you TRUNCATE a table, you get a new, empty file just like you do when you drop and recreate a table. From the point of view of running subsequent queries, TRUNCATE table is equivalent to DROP/CREATE.

2) However, the old file is still hanging around (just as it is when you drop a table). The space is not reclaimed from the file system.

3) Table compression also creates a new file and does not delete the old file. Table compression does not release space to the file system--this operation actually claims more space.

4) Space is reclaimed from the file system when you perform a checkpoint.

Hope this pushes the discussion forward,

Any information will be greatly appreciated.


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