I have a database in production that has been running fine for a few years.  It 
started out having about 100K inserts per day into it and now is up to about 
4.6M inserts per day and this has been working fine.  

Tonight the customer called because the system was chewing up disk space.  I 
had the customer restart the database engine and it is taking a long time to 
boot the database.   I had the customer check the "log" directory in the 
database and there were 62K ".dat" files present. 

So I am assuming that these are for transactions that have not committed, 
correct?  But for the life of me, I cannot figure out what transaction could 
have been in progress and not committed since July 12'th.  It seems to me this 
would have exhausted memory or some other resource by now.

One other point, an online database backup is done each night by the customer.  
Could this trigger anything like this?  Tonight when running a utility against 
the database, the utility failed to acquire locks, but there should have been 
nothing else running but this utility and it is single threaded, so there 
should have been no lock contention.   It also acts like there is a database 
backup that is still on going...

Right now, I am just waiting for the database to cleanup and boot so that I can 
get in and examine it.  Is there any shortcut or express way to to boot the 
database?  Is there any way to monitor the progress of this boot cleanup?

Any thoughts or pointers in trying to figure out what is going on will be 
greatly appreciated.  

The database in question is Derby 10.5.1


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