On 8/16/11 5:56 AM, Bergquist, Brett wrote:
I am writing a database copy utility that is built upon the dblook utility and 
procedures and I have this mostly working.  When running this on a large 
database (110Gb) I am getting an OutOfMemory exception.  I have the utility 
setup to use up to 8192Mb of memory so somewhere there is a problem.  I am 
running this again with the -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError switch to see if I 
can get a picture on where it is leaking but it will take about 6 hours to get 
to this point.

In the mean time, assuming the error is not in my utility, I would like to 
potentially shutdown the database and restart it to try to work around the 
OOME.  I am running the database engine in embedded mode and see the 
documentation to shutdown the database, but I also see the following in the 
Derby 10.8 Reference manual page 293:

"With the embedded driver, if your application shuts down Derby or calls the
DriverManager.unload method, and you then want to reload the driver, call the
Class.forName().newInstance() method to do so:"

When I look at the Javadoc for the DriverManager class, I do not find an 
"unload" method.  So what is this documentation referring to?
Hi Brett,

That looks like an error in the documentation. I believe it is supposed to refer to DriverManager.deregisterDriver(). I have logged https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DERBY-5384 to track this.

Thanks for finding this bug,


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