On 8/19/2011 4:37 AM, Jayaram Subramanian wrote:
HI All,
Yes there was a conflict for basetestcase file and i did MC(My conflict) as an option... Is that what caused the issue ?
Probably that is the issue. There is some conflict for which your changes took precedence and you lost the changes that were in trunk. At this point you'll probably want to fix things up manually. If you have the subclipse plugin installed in eclipse, you can right click on the file and choose compare latest from repository. If you have a visual diff tool you can look at the diff this way.

svn cat -r HEAD BaseTestCase.java > BaseTestCase.java.HEAD
diff BaseTestCase.java BaseTestCase.java.HEAD

replacing "diff" with your visual difftool.

If your changes are not too extensive, sometimes it is easiest just to make a copy of your changed file, svn revert it and make the changes again manually.

When I have a conflict with svn update, I usually make a copy of my file and choose their conflict, just because I figure I will be able to better figure out what went wrong with my code and redo the change vs the code I am bringing in.



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