Hi all,

I wrote a little class, derived from NsSample.java in
D:\db-derby-\demo\nserverdemo, that starts an embedded network
server, than an embedded client, not embedded driver but
org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver, to access the data provided by the
network server , all togheter with my application within the same jvm.

I supposed that the network server had the ability to share the data among
different applications... but this seems not to be true cause I tried to
start the ij utility to access to the same database, while my application is
running, receiving these messages :

ERROR XJ040: Failed to start database 'c:\ESQueryProd\derbyDB', see the next
exception for details.
ERROR XSDB6: Another instance of Derby may have already booted the database

Obviously, when I shut down my application, ij starts to run.

I testes the same behavior in a network environment :
I have a shared directory on a win 2k server with my application, and if I
start it from 2 different clients, the first runs, while the second freezes
until I shut down the first.

Now I'd like to know how can I share the data in this scenario, is there any
properties settings that allows my application to concurrentlu access the
same db ?

Any suggestions will be appreciated.


PS I run with jvm 1.4.2_09 both win 2k & win xp sp2 and derby

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