I am importing the data using the built in system procedure
SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_IMPORT_TABLE.  This procedure takes the name of the
file to import as an argument.  Derby opens the file using whatever
mechanism it wants.  I don't have an opportunity to wrap the stream

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Matrigali [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 11:27 AM
To: Derby Discussion
Subject: Re: How to monitor progress during data import

Andreas Korneliussen wrote:
> Fantry, John wrote:
>> I am using Derby to import a large text file into a table.  I would
>> like to be able to display a progress dialog to the user while the
>> import is processing.  In order to provide a useful progress bar I
>> need to be able to calculate the % complete of the import procedure.

>> Does anyone know if this can be done?  The table is locked during the

>> import so I can't execute any SELECT COUNT(*) statements in a
>> thread.  Perhaps Derby outputs some statistics to a log file?  I did
>> stumble across the RunTimeStatistics attribute in the Derby docs, but

>> this attribute is only meaningful after the import is complete.  I
>> need insight into the import procedure while it's executing.  Any
> Have you tried running the SELECT COUNT (*) statement using
> isolation level "read-uncommitted " ?
Do note that derby must scan all the rows in the table to execute
count(*), so checking on the progress using count(*) is a significant
overhead depending on the size of the table.

For your application it may be possible to layer a stream on top of the
file which could tell your app how much has been read while otherwise
just passing the bytes from the file to derby.
> Regards
> Andreas

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