I must report today that the restrictions imposed by the beta JDK license have not been lifted.

As you know, the JDK 6 beta license requires a disclaimer that bars the use of the code for any productive use. This restriction is meant to forestall binary incompatibilities with the final, GA version of the JDK. These incompatibilities might arise due to late-breaking changes in the JDK during its beta cycle. Due to these late-breaking changes, applications compiled against earlier, beta versions of the JDK could behave erratically when run against the GA JDK.

Such a disclaimer would need to appear in the NOTICES file of any Derby release built using the beta JDK's tools and libraries. This, in turn, is unacceptable for GA releases of Derby. Therefore at this time we cannot build a Derby release candidate which includes JDBC4 drivers--today those drivers can only be built using beta tools and libraries. For this reason, we, the Derby community must change our plan to ship imminently an official release of Derby that includes JDBC4.

I can see two alternatives for us:

1. Ship 10.2 on the current schedule but do not include the JDBC4 drivers. When run on Java SE 6, Derby 10.2 would continue to expose our JDBC3 implementation. In addition, we would remove JDBC4-specific documentation from our user guides and prune out the JDBC4-specific javadoc.

2. Delay the current 10.2 schedule until after JDK 6 goes GA. At that time we could release a version of Derby which includes JDBC4 drivers.

Given the length of time since 10.1 was released, the uncertainty of the exact date of JDK 6 shipment, and the number of new features included in 10.2, I think that (1) is a better plan. Of course, this is up to the community to decide.


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