Ralf Wiebicke wrote:

I try to rename a column using the following statements:

create table t (a int)
rename column t.a to b

The second statement throws an exception:

[Error Code: 30000, SQL State: 42X01] Syntax error: Encountered "column" at ine 1, column 8.

Although this feature is not yet documented, according to this bug entry:


this should work since subversion revision 472708. I'm using version " - (485682)" which is later. When I look at the diff for revision 472708, this seems to be, what I want.

Any ideas?

The release note for 10.2 does not mention that rename column has been added.

Note that 10.2.2 is made from another svn branch than the development branch (trunk). Revision numbers on different branches are not directly comparable.


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