Harshad wrote:
Harshad wrote:
These seem to have paid off; the actual query time
(statement.executeQuery) is pretty fast : about 1 or 2 milliseconds.

But reading from the resultSet using APIs such as getString, getLong,
takes about 250 ms or more!!

Forgot to mention; the query usually (99%) results in just a singe row. The 
250ms is consumed in just reading the data from that single row!

Hello Harshad,

I think you'll have a better chance of getting any answers if you provide more information, for instance;
 o data volume; number of rows in table(s)
o the SQL query, and possibly the Java code executing it (a little later, the query plan might come in handy too)
 o database schema (including indexes)

Since you're searching for a string inside a VARCHAR, Derby has to check all rows in the table. Are you using LIKE in the query?
I'm just guessing here based on the information that is already available.
Is there a way that you can reduce the number of rows that qualify?
Are you seeing the long wait on the first rs.next() ?
What about the subsequent rs.next() calls (if more than one row in the result)?

There are also some tips here: http://wiki.apache.org/db-derby/PerformanceDiagnosisTips


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