
> Yes this is the API I am reffering to.  Well actually it says that,
> but in my case it did not do it.  It needed a long time, several
> minutes. Reason as it turned later out, after getting the output in
> a file a lot of IOExcceptions. I never got those on windows nor on
> Solaris. Thr original logic of the routine calling the runScript
> Method was asking for the return code but either it never hit this
> if statement and crashed somewhere within ij without giving the
> Exception to the caller or ij gave something like 0 so the output
> never was given to the logger.  So there is something phony with
> ij.runScript using it with AIX 5.3 and a SQL-Script not coded UTF8
> but declaring in the parameters as UTF8. Of course that is a fault
> by my own, but it should tel me about it.

I looked at the implementation for runScript in and it does seem
to catch exceptions, count them and return them. Are you able to
provide a repro script showing that 0 or -1 is returned from runScript
for the failing scenario? 


> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: [] 
> Gesendet: Freitag, 20. November 2009 19:54
> An: Derby Discussion
> Betreff: Re: AW: OOM with millions of weakly-referenced Derby objects
> writes:
>> In other words I would count that situation as not nice behaviour of ij, 
>> since the return code should have been given as I would suppose it looking 
>> at the method signature.
> Is this the API signature you are referring to?
> It says:
> Returns:
>     Number of SQLExceptions thrown during the execution, -1 if not
>     known. 
> If so, are you seeing 0 or -1 returned here?
> Dag

Dag H. Wanvik, staff engineer
Sun Microsystems, Java Core and Desktop - Java DB/Derby
Haakon VII gt. 7b, N-7485 Trondheim, Norway
Tel: x43496/+47 73842196, Fax:  +47 73842101
Sun IM: dw136674, Yahoo IM: dag_h_wanvik

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