On 17/03/2011 12:35, Bruce Wen wrote:
To convert an int to a char, just use the following statement:

char c = (char) 134;

You can cast integer to char directly. Is this what you need?

No. I have a file containing SQL/DDL to create a bunch of tables for my
app and initialise them, which I run using IJ. I want to be able to say
something like:

   INSERT INTO foo VALUES('This','That','Foo\bBar');

but I can't. I've found a workaround. I basically wrote my own IJ which
includes an external function "ch()" so now I can say this:

   INSERT INTO foo VALUES('This','That','Foo' || ch(8) || 'Bar');

I'm still amazed there isn't a built-in function for this.

 John English | My old University of Brighton home page is still here:
              | http://www.it.brighton.ac.uk/staff/je

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