On 21/12/2012 19:40, Knut Anders Hatlen wrote:
If you run the query with derby.language.logQueryPlan=true and check
derby.log, does the query plan say that log_index is used?

It seems to use it:

Sat Dec 22 18:44:54 IST 2012 Thread[qtp9851452-34,5,main] (XID = 5645972), (SESSIONID = 18), SELECT DateTimeFormat(t_time,null) AS t_time,facility,event,details,name,username,module,test FROM system_log_view ORDER BY time DESC ******* Scroll Insensitive ResultSet:
Number of opens = 1
Rows seen = 20
Number of reads from hash table = 21
Number of writes to hash table = 95103
        constructor time (milliseconds) = 0
        open time (milliseconds) = 0
        next time (milliseconds) = 0
        close time (milliseconds) = 0
        optimizer estimated row count:        95105.00
        optimizer estimated cost:       237241.89

Source result set:
        Project-Restrict ResultSet (4):
        Number of opens = 1
        Rows seen = 95103
        Rows filtered = 0
        restriction = false
        projection = true
                constructor time (milliseconds) = 0
                open time (milliseconds) = 0
                next time (milliseconds) = 0
                close time (milliseconds) = 0
                restriction time (milliseconds) = 0
                projection time (milliseconds) = 0
                optimizer estimated row count:        95105.00
                optimizer estimated cost:       237241.89

        Source result set:
                Project-Restrict ResultSet (3):
                Number of opens = 1
                Rows seen = 95103
                Rows filtered = 0
                restriction = false
                projection = true
                        constructor time (milliseconds) = 0
                        open time (milliseconds) = 0
                        next time (milliseconds) = 0
                        close time (milliseconds) = 0
                        restriction time (milliseconds) = 0
                        projection time (milliseconds) = 0
                        optimizer estimated row count:        95105.00
                        optimizer estimated cost:       237241.89

                Source result set:
                        Index Row to Base Row ResultSet for SYSTEM_LOG:
                        Number of opens = 1
                        Rows seen = 95103
                        Columns accessed from heap = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
                                constructor time (milliseconds) = 0
                                open time (milliseconds) = 0
                                next time (milliseconds) = 0
                                close time (milliseconds) = 0
                                optimizer estimated row count:        95105.00
                                optimizer estimated cost:       237241.89

Index Scan ResultSet for SYSTEM_LOG using index LOG_INDEX at read uncommitted isolation level using share row locking chosen by the optimizer
                                Number of opens = 1
                                Rows seen = 95103
                                Rows filtered = 0
                                Fetch Size = 1
                                        constructor time (milliseconds) = 0
                                        open time (milliseconds) = 0
                                        next time (milliseconds) = 0
                                        close time (milliseconds) = 0
                                        next time in milliseconds/row = 0

                                scan information:
                                        Bit set of columns fetched=All
                                        Number of columns fetched=2
                                        Number of deleted rows visited=0
                                        Number of pages visited=715
                                        Number of rows qualified=95103
                                        Number of rows visited=95103
                                        Scan type=btree
                                        Tree height=3
                                        start position:
                                        stop position:
                                        optimizer estimated row count:        
                                        optimizer estimated cost:       

Does it change anything if you access the table directly instead of via
the view? I think we've had reports that the optimizer cannot always see
through the views and misses out on some opportunities for optimization.

It cuts it down to about 9 seconds, which is much more acceptable. The time is no longer formatted, but when I tried taking that out before it didn't seem to make much difference, so maybe it is the view. I'll try some more experiments with different variations of formatting and views and see what I can find out.

John English

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