Hi all!

While I was writing some unit tests for the Apache OFBiz project (that by 
default runs on Derby) I noticed a behavior of Derby that I didn't expect and I 
would love to get your opinion.
Here is my use case:

* Derby
* there are two concurrent transactions T1 and T2
* isolation level is "Read Committed"
* in transaction T1 a record with primary key 123 is inserted in a table; then 
other long running tasks are executed (i.e. the transaction is not immediately 
* in the meantime T2 attempts to select from the same table the record with 
primary key 123

Behavior: T2 blocks on the select statement waiting for transaction T1 to 
release the write lock; this can cause a lock wait timeout
Expected behavior: since T1 is not committed, T2 should not be able to select 
the record; I was expecting that the select statement in T2 would return an 
empty result set rather than blocking waiting for the lock held by T1 to be 
released; in fact this is what we get with MySQL and Postgres.

What do you think?


Jacopo Cappellato

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