Le 26/04/11 22:04, Christoph Noack a écrit :


We discussed this issue many times at OOo, and I came to the following
(personal) conclusion; we need ...
       * a more sensible selection of styles (e.g. attach the list styles
         to the paragraph styles intended for list use)
       * an improved Stylist that makes less use of double-clicks and and
         context menus (a bit different to what Rafael proposed) -->
         single click confirmation
       * a real preview of each Style in the Stylist
       * a real preview for the Styles drop-down in the toolbar
       * a better connection between the Style drop-down, the Stylist
         on/off icon to make the idea of styles more clear
       * a more intelligent ordering of styles (not too smart, but smart
         enough to present the styles used in the document along with not
         used ones)

Of course, there are other ways of improving the use of Styles ... but
this needs a whiteboard :-)

Ricardo, Michel, all - what do you think? Something we might work out
for EasyHacks?

Hmmm... Styles are not so easy... (IMHO)
So it would be for "NotSoEasyHack" ;-)

That's why I ask you if it's possible to create a pre-whiteboard :
before working on new UI for styles, can we explain/analyse very precisely how styles work in LibreOffice 3.4 ?
For example, I have to tell you that I don't understand in Writer :
- what are the relations between "numbering styles" and "outlines"
- how the dialog "Bullets and numbering" really works, and what is possible
- what is the relation of the dialog "Outline and numbering"[1] with
similar properties of paragraph ?


[1] As soon as I discorvered it, I found it very usefull to perform quickly the global numbering of a document.

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