Hi Charles,

thanks for the quick reply ...

Am Samstag, den 13.08.2011, 10:43 +0200 schrieb Charles-H. Schulz:
> 2011/8/13 drew <d...@baseanswers.com>

[... Template Proposals and Discussions ...]

> I think that while we'll still are waiting for Kevin's updated template we
> can call it a day and we may organize a jury of sorts next week?

Okay - so when you've originally requested the templates you referred to
the "Design Team" for the voting. Personally, I'm a bit hesitant when it
comes to voting or "jury-ing" for something people have to "work" with
it. I might be pessimistic here - but there have been to many bad
templates for previous OOoCons (required much tweaking, then, each
presenter had something different). These have been selected quite
similarly. So, is there anyone you have in mind for the "jury"?

I'd propose the following guys for giving their primary thoughts (but
didn't ask them yet):
      * Bernhard --> design team lead, presented at the OOoCon before
      * Nik (if he can spend some time) --> brought up the motif which
        is one essential part for the LibO branding, designed the
        conference logo, designed the website
      * Florian or Italo --> representatives for Marketing, presented at
      * You (Charles) --> presented at the OOoCon, you requested the

Due to my history, I'd like to add myself as well - but I don't know
whether this is acceptable for all (due to my own proposal). Personally,
I'd like to see a decision on the basis of real criteria. Or, even
better, a good decision within the Design team :-)


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