Michel RENON-2 wrote
> ...
> [resent to the ml]
> Currently, some design changes are merged asap in master, just because 
> the code is ok.
> Then during alpha or beta, some user feedback is coming, but it's 
> already too late to make changes in code...
> Why not working on those changes in specific branches ?
> and take time to have user feedback and iterate.
> And only when everything is ok (ui, code), it is merged in master with 
> the usual process

Maybe ask the remaining AOO folks how that development model is working for

IMHO this would be a horrible regression from a developers perspective. It
would kill the project's timed release ethos, and stifle innovative code
development and ongoing refactoring of our long code tail.  It would be
detrimental to the long term health of the project and likely ultimately
kill it.

The truth is the success of LibreOffice has come in large part from exactly
the welcoming meritocracy in development that has emerged.  Few question it
is a better product than the alternatives, but it keeps its relevance
because of the development model and functional cross platform support.

Are there hicups--design, UI and UX--absolutely! That keeps it fun for the

Would it be better if we had more hands--absolutely!  Simply put, in
addition to needing more developers and designers (of all flavors) the
project needs to attract more folks to QA and encourage the entire user
community to follow development and *test early and often* in the cycle. 
Sophi does a great job guiding folks with MozTrap test cases, but it hardly
gets touched (at just 4% for 5.1.0).

But, would quality of LibreOffice improve if we revert to a "release when
ready" model-- IMHO, not at all!

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