Hi all,

I thing, there is some lack of understanding about the features. Therefore I have attached an example document. (I don't know whether the list allows attachments, but at least Heiko should get it.)

The Navigator shows the navigation order. That is the order for traversing the shapes with the tab-key. You should be able to change the navigation order by dragging the shape name up and down in the navigator list. But that is broken since Ooo3.4. When you will try it, use OOo3.2.1. for example. In file format it is the element „draw:nav-order“ which is a child element of „draw:page“. The attached file has the nav-order: BlueRectangle, BlueTriangle, RedTriangle, BlueOval, RedRectangle, RedOval. Then it cycles back to BlueRectangle.

The order in which the shapes are stacked one on another is given by the attribute „draw:z-index“ of the shape or in case that it missing, by the order in which the elements follow each other in the file. This z-index is not visible in the navigator, but you can only modify it with the „Arrangement“. LibreOffice should read the z-index correctly, but fails with objects on the layer 'Control', which are always drawn on top. When it saves to file, it writes out the shapes in stacking order to the file and removes the z-index attribute. The attached file has z-index set as RedRectangle(0), RedOval(1), BlueRectangle(2), BlueOval(3), BlueTriangle(4), RedTriangle(5), which is from back to front.

The layer properties visible, editable and printable work for those shapes, which belong to the layer. This is totally independent of z-index and nav-order.

This using of "layer" is very different from other applications. So I think, it is not possible at all to mix these features into the Navigator. For me there are two issues, which have to be solved:
Rearranging the stacking order is cumbersome in LibreOffice, because you can only change stacking order by selecting one shape at a time and move it up or down in the stack, but you do not see the complete order in total.
The possibility to change the navigation order is lost totally. If you need to correct it, you have to edit it in the file source or write and use a macro. A fix is necessary.

Kind regards

Heiko Tietze schrieb:
Hi all,

I'd like to discuss a proposal with you that deals with Draw on the one hand, 
in particular the handling of layers and questions regarding object selection. 
On the other hand, the proposal would also affect other modules since it pushes 
the Navigator. As usual the discussion is done first on G+, with a design 
session at best (perhaps next week), and will then published for discussion 
with the community.


Looking forward you comments,

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