Hey all!

I finally am getting around to announce on the mailing list the
handler I wrote last week.  If any of you are hold-outs from the
sawfish window manager, you will most likely be familiar with the
popular iswitch-window extension which is patterned after
iswitch-buffer in Emacs.  Basically, you hit a key, start typing a
portion of the window or application name and the list will be
narrowed down to the ones that match.  Hit enter, and it will switch
to it.

Deskbar seemed to be a great fit for this, so I created this handler.


A short screencast (800x600) is at


Note that firefox handles this just fine but nautilus or eog doesn't
seem to like it.

I need some help though...it won't always switch to the correct window
when I have to switch to another workspace.  If there are any wnck
gurus out there, I'd appreciate a look-see.

Hope it's useful!

Travis B. Hartwell
deskbar-applet-list mailing list

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