> when you open a new folder with nautilus spatial or an application
> from the panel menu you probably want them taking the focus
> instead of having the previous nautilus window of the panel keeping it

This may (or may not) be handled as an exception to the "don't steal
focus" rule. Even then, it would be wrong when the user selects "focus
follows mouse". It's called "focus follows mouse", not "focus follows
mouse, except what a window feels like it should get focus".

But at this point, nautilus is actually the only app that (in some
circumstances) doesn't steal focus. Still, I see no reason justifying
that a window opening unpredictably (e.g. error message, web popup, IM
popup) automatically gains focus.

> The consistency issue is a a bug but that's a different topic of the one
> discussion initially here so please use a new bug for it so the discussion
> can be kept on track

The consisteny issue is about having consistent *security* behaviour. I
can't see why some passwords are deemed more important than others.

New windows stealing focus -- and passwords?

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