On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 7:58 PM, Joanmarie Diggs
<joanmarie.di...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Right now, my answer is "gosh, I sure hope so." :-) Admittedly, not as
> good as a "heck yes!", but better than "no."
> Where things stand as of today is that WebKit needs quite a bit of work
> to ready as far as a11y is concerned. HOWEVER, I've arranged my DayJob
> schedule in such a way as to be able to devote around 3 days per week on
> the GNOME side of WebKit a11y, and Xan is already providing patches for
> the critical issues I've identified thus far. So if we can keep this up,
> and if we do not run across any really complicated issues, I believe
> that things will at least be "good enough" -- and ideally "good" -- in
> time for 2.28. But it is hard to predict the future, especially this
> early on in my (active) involvement, hence my optimistic maybe.
> Xan, what are your thoughts? Vincent and others, when do you need a
> definite yea or nay by?

I think that's a pretty good summary. Things are already much better
than they were a few weeks ago, and I think we have a promising set up
to improve them much more in the coming months. It's difficult to
predict how things will work out, and as usual I'm sure we'll find
problems we didn't expect and so on, but that shouldn't make us deny
the fact that things WILL get much better by 2.28.

In any case let's try to do our best here, and in a few more weeks I'm
sure we'll have a clearer picture of where we'll stand by 2.28.

Cheers, Xan
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