On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 4:34 PM, Havoc Pennington <h...@pobox.com> wrote:
> If we say we have to not only support spidermonkey and JSC, but any
> future hypothetical JS implementation, then we're really committing to
> not only not using language extensions, but _never_ using or creating
> extensions. Basically have to wait for Microsoft to agree with changes
> at ECMA before using them.
> So, I just don't agree with the argument, for GNOME. It may well make
> sense from a perspective just of WebKit.

Well, pragmatically speaking, what this means today (and in the
foreseeable future unless you manage to convince JSC devels) is that
you basically can't use any implementation that is not spidermonkey.
I'm not saying that's wrong, but I think it's a clear choice GNOME has
to make.

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