2009/11/10 Andre Klapper <ak...@gmx.net>:
> Am Dienstag, den 10.11.2009, 17:00 +0200 schrieb Peteris Krisjanis:
>> So because there are maybe majority of happy (and ignorant) users, we
>> will ignore rather loud opposition to this change? Really nice way to
>> deal with community.
> Thanks for being the true and only voice of the community.
> Maybe the majority doesn't want to be part of your community though.

I and other users who oppose the change are part of community. Maybe I
am not cool developer as you are (seriously, you guys rock, I don't
argue that), but I am doing support for GNOME and Ubuntu for three
years every day (Linux support for six years). I know what I am
talking about.

>> Smells like pushing a change no matter others think.
> I'm still looking for a project (except for elections in communist
> countries) that still exists and where changes are only applied in case
> of 100% agreement.
> Other classic I know from bug reports: "So you did research, but
> obviously you asked the wrong people, as you did not ask me!!!"

Well, I am not against developer decisions. They have to be made by
them (I agree it is not a democracy) and I see several reasonings as
valid behind removal of icons. However, I am only surprised that only
option to revert this change is gone. That's wrong in my opinion. I am
not asking you to agree with me or change back. I can launch Terminal
and issue gconf command, or do it in gconf-editor. I have no issues
with that. I just don't like situation when I have to do support and
have to tell user that in way to get back icons they have to launch
command line and run a command.

> Again, this decision was already announced and discussed at this list a
> few months ago. If you want to discuss $stuff, join the discussion early
> enough.
> Coming up with it again and again without providing new arguments
> definitely makes me (and developers) ignore this thread as I got other
> stuff to do than bikeshedding whether a gconf key to change the setting
> is enough or not...

No one will give you a new arguments. There have been some five mails
about this already. No other change have made such noise in this list.
This is indication that there is a part of community that doesn't buy
any reasoning behind this change. People doesn't understand this
reasoning.  If you think that it shouldn't be addressed - fine. I
think it should.

>> Google for 'PulseAudio Hate'
> Completely unrelated.

Completely related. Another grand change within free desktop with
polarized results. I love PA and it improves nicely with every
release. But it is still seriously broken for LOT of people. And it
keeps creating negative word of mouth for Ubuntu, Fedora, GNOME and
free software in general. I am worried about that. And I think you
should too.

Cheers and no hard feelings,
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