On Fri, 2010-06-11 at 18:36 +0200, Xavier Claessens wrote:
> > So, should we be requesting gtk3>= 2.90 in configure.ac now? At least
> > for Fedora rawhide the lack of gtk-engines makes all the gtk3-using
> > application look fugly.
> To make Empathy build with gtk3 we need:
>   - libcanberra-gtk-3
>   - libchamplain-gtk-3
>   - libclutter-gtk-3
>   - libunique-3 (or drop gtk2 compatibility and use GtkApplication)
>   - libwebkit-3

Moreover, could we stagger the 2.31.4 tarball due date for applications
by a couple days?  That would give application maintainers a chance to
build against newly-released gtk3-dependent libraries and do some quick
smoke testing before releasing their own tarballs.

If we try to release both gtk3-dependent libraries and applications
simultaneously I fear it's gonna to be a train wreck.

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