On Sat, Apr 21, 2012 at 11:48:59AM -0700, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:
> For instance, let's say Xan who has indicated some interest to use Zeitgist
> in Web wanted to use it but not add any new features but instead uses Zg to
> store bookmarks then really does this process help that?  Does he even need
> to come on DDL and say anything?  After all, as maintainer it's his call as
> far as I'm concerned if he wants Zeitgist to powr his bookmarks.

* If you propose a new feature, it is accepted and it requires some new
  dependency: go ahead
* If you want a new external dependency in an existing module: request
  approval or propose it as a new feature

The point is that we don't want new external dependencies. But if you
have a new feature, then make a choice propose it, and once accepted,
run with it. The goal is having a new feature, if you need something to
make the feature happen, use it. Further, this nicely avoids the cases
where external dependencies have been approved, but actually nothing
used it for various releases.

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