On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 8:40 AM, surma <su...@hot.ee> wrote:

> That messed up my hands and I can't use mouse.
> That is why I liked gnome 2, everything could be done
> without mouse.

And the same is true for Gnome3 - to navigate to an application, you can use
<super>  <ctrl>PgDown  <tab>  (<tab> | <shift><tab> | <arrow keys>)
(or <super>  <ctrl><alt><tab>, select "Applications", (<tab> | <shift><tab>
| <arrow keys>))

Though generally "<super>appname<enter>" is a lot faster.

Maake it so, under gonf-editor you can choose the layout of the menu.

I encourage you to give the normal Gnome3 experience another shot
(personally I actually consider it more keyboard-friendly than Gnome 2),
but if you insist, you can force fallback mode (at least for now):

System Settings -> Details -> Graphics -> Forced Fallback Mode

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