On Wed, 2012-11-07 at 09:36 -0600, Federico Mena Quintero wrote:
> On Tue, 2012-11-06 at 14:52 +0100, Pierre-Yves Luyten wrote:
> > I was quickly looking at "gnome platform overview" on
> > http://developer.gnome.org/
> > or dedicated http://developer.gnome.org/platform-overview/stable/
> > or http://developer.gnome.org/platform-overview/unstable/
> > 
> > 
> > No "gnome-online-account", "zapojit", "libgdata" appear.
> > I thought that I would find these in platform overview since they are 
> > both part of the core gnome user experience and documented API.
> You are completely correct.
> The Platform Overview is getting a bit stale, and it would definitely be
> good to update it with newer modules or pieces of public infrastructure.
> If you feel familiar enough with the modules you mentioned, would you be
> able to write a patch for the platform overview document?  The source is
> at git://git.gnome.org/git/gnome-devel-docs (although I'm not sure about
> the platform-overview vs. new-platform-overview in that module - the
> latter seems a Mallard translation of the former).

They're both in Mallard. The new Platform Overview was started by Phil
to give us something a bit stronger than a module listing, which is
what the Platform Overview has fallen into since about 3.0.

To the original question: we have always had the problem of deciding
what goes into the PO. Is it the core, stable libraries? Everything
we use anywhere? Do we include non-GObject stuff that we nonetheless
heavily use? I'd never heard of zapojit before now. Is this something
we expect a lot of developers to use?

(First hit when I search online is the reference manual on developer.
That's good. The first screenful on that page doesn't tell me what to
use zapojit for. It tells me about its license. That's not good.)


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